Historical Commission and Historical District Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2010


Attending:         David Martin, Chairman

                        Shirley Schofield

                        Gordon Hughes           

                        Susan Rich



Meeting Start time: 7:30 PM



1.)                Property Survey, Phase Two


Met with the representatives from TTL Architects to discuss status of the current properties survey they are developing.


·        Reviewed notes made at the last meeting, and made the following changes; Revised to read “potentially historic properties and potentially endangered properties”.

·        Remove the designation ”N”, no longer exists


·        The contract has been passed on to B. Puritz and will be reviewed by town counsel. It is expected to be returned within a week.


·        D. Martin will sign off on the contract and return a signed copy to TTL.


·        TTL will forward an invoice to S. Rich to get it processed by the CPC committee.


·        SHC received a progress list of properties being surveyed by TTL.


·        G. Hughes noted that homes on Shepard’s Court should be included in the survey.


·        S. Schofield noted that homes on Goodrich Place should be included in the survey.


·        Add 115 and 117 Billings Street to the survey list.


·        S. Rich inquired about other towns that have done surveys as to whether or not they have utilized this information in developing tours or books that can be purchased.


·        TTL mentioned that we (SHC) are one of the first to have their inventory available on line.


·        Noted that all of Phase One is now mapped on GIS.


·        Due to no scheduled summer meetings, communication between the commission and TTL will be done via email.


2.)        Pleasant Street School


·        D. Martin presented a sample of the replacement trim that will be used for exterior repairs. It is a composite material and was accepted by the group.


3.)        Review past Meeting Notes of 4.14.10


·        D. Martin stated that he is continuing to research the history of the head stones found of Mountain Street with David Alan Lambert.

·        More work needs to be done.

·        Motion to accept with changes made by S. Rich, seconded by S. Schofield, unanimous approval



4.)        Elections


·        Nominations:

·        Chairman;                           David Martin

·        Vice Chairman                    Susan Rich

·        Secretary                            Gordon Hughes


Motion made by S. Schofield to elect David Martin as Chairman, Susan Rich as Vice Chairman and Gordon Hughes as Secretary for the upcoming year. This will be voted on at the September Meeting.




MOTION:       Susan Rich motioned to adjourn meeting

SECOND:       Gordon Hughes

VOTE:             Unanimous


End of Meeting: 9:20 PM